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About Tales of EUkraine

  About the project Tales of EUkraine (TEUk) is an opportunity for European publishers to support their Ukrainian counterparts and to display their solidarity to the most vulnerable victims of the conflict by doing what they do best: publishing books. This project will bring together European and Ukrainian publishers to deliver bilingual children’s books to several communities hosting Ukrainian refugees, fostering integration and mutual understanding. TEUk has built a catalogue of Ukrainian children’s books available for publishers to acquire the rights to and publish them in bilingual editions. The project partners will purchase the part of the print run to be distributed to displaced children and organise its distribution to the Ukrainian refugee communities, whilst publishers will be invited to promote the book to their national communities. TEUk will facilitate the integration of Ukrainian children in their host countries, increase the knowledge of Ukrainian culture across the Unio
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Tales of EUkraine at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2024 - A recap of our event

Tales of EUkraine came back at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the biggest trade book fair in the world, on Wednesday 16 October! The project was officially launched at the Frankfurt Book Fair two years ago, and at this year's event, we announced some of the main results achieved so far. Together with our project partners, we were joined by some of the publishers and other associations who believed in TEUk's mission and participated in the project.  The event was opened by our Ukrainian partner, the Ukrainian Book Institute , represented for the occasion by Deputy Director Olena Odynoka . She stressed the importance of TEUk for Ukrainian displaced children and the relevance of the partnership between Ukrainian and European publishers for the Ukrainian publishing sector. During his presentation, Enrico Turrin , FEP Deputy Director , showcased the project's main achievements two years from its beginning: so far, more than 140,000 books have been already published and TEUk is in line

Tales of EUkraine event at the Frankfurt Book Fair

One year later, Tales of EUkraine gets back at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the biggest trade book fair in the world! We are excited to return to the most prestigious event for the book sector and cannot wait to show all the progress we have made since our last time in 2023 .  We are proud to be hosted by the Ukrainian Collective Stand . Join us on Wednesday 16 October , from 15:00 to 15:45 at stand B64, Hall 4.1 . Our speakers: Arnaud Pasquali , DG Education and Culture, Creative Europe Programme, European Commission Enrico Turrin , Deputy Director, Federation of European Publishers Olena Odynoka , Deputy Director, Ukrainian Book Institute Grzegorz Majerowicz , Board Member, “Fundacja Powszechnego Czytania” (Universal Reading Foundation) Nestoras Poulakos , Vakxikon Publications  Andre Störr , Verlag Friedrich Mauke During the event, we will present the results achieved by the project so far and we will have contributions from publishers and partners who joined Tales of EUkraine outside

TEUk books will be distributed in paeditrician offices in Poland

After the successful publication and distribution of thousands of bilingual books by TEUk partner PIK, the Polish Chamber of Books, more Ukrainian-Polish books will reach Ukrainian-displaced children all across Poland! The Federation of European Publishers signed an agreement with the Fundacja Powszechnego Czytania (Universal Reading Foundation) to publish 60,000 copies of bilingual Ukrainian-Polish books. The books have been printed over the summer and are now ready to meet their young readers! The titles will be distributed in paediatrician offices in Poland in the upcoming months. The agreement between FEP and FPC included the publication of the following titles: Sunny, Rainy, published by Моя Книжкова Полиця (My Knizhkova Police) Teddy Loves Fishing, published by Моя Книжкова Полиця Видавництво (My Bookshelf Publishing House) Одного разу я загубився ( Once I got lost ), published by Саммит-Книга (Summit Book) Пливуть кораблі ( Ships are sailing ), published by Видавництво Крокус (C

Tales of EUkraine at BRaK Book Festival

 From 31 May to 2 June, Tales of EUkraine was present with a stand at BRaK - Bratislava Book Festival , which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. The stand was open throughout the Festival and it was organised by TEUk partner Združenie vydavateľov a kníhkupcov. Bilingual books from the Slovakian publishing houses participating in Tales of EUkraine were available and attendees of the festival could pass by to get their copy of the titles published so far to gift to Ukrainian children. Among the publishing houses at TEUk stand in Bratislava there were Matys, Dajama and Ideál. Five different titles were available in bilingual Ukrainian-Slovakian edition:  Svet okolo nás (The World Around Us),  Detektív Teo – Záhada zmiznutých rybičiek (Guinea Pig Investigates),  Pani osminožka (Mrs. Octopus),  Išla Myška do sveta (The Mouse went into the world) and  Ako sa vrabček učil múdrosti (Trouble Teaches). A photo gallery of the books at the stand is available below.

Presentation and distribution of TEUk books in Romania

On Thursday 30 May, TEUk partner AER , the Romanian Publishers Association, presented and distributed the first title published under Tales of EUkraine at Bookfest Bucharest , the biggest book fair in Romania. AER presented the book  Alf the Cat-Detective   (Ranok Publishing House) , published in Romania by Humanitas Publishing House with the title  Alf, motanul detectiv . The book tells the story of a cat-detective assigned by Sophie, a young girl, to find her missing younger brother and the search they undertake to find him.  The presentation was moderated by Mihai Mitrica , AER Executive Director. The young audience attending the event performed a reading of some excerpts of the book and received copies of the bilingual edition. Below are some pictures taken during the event.

Presentation and distribution of TEUk books in Greece

On Sunday 26 May, the Ukrainian writer Natalia Dovgopol presented one of the first Ukrainian-Greek bilingual children's books published through Tales of EUkraine at the «Center for Support and Development of Cultural Heritage "Trembita"», in Athens: The War that Changed Rondo (Війна, що змінила Рондо), Old Lion Publishing House, 2015. The title, published in Greece by Aiolos Books , is a modern children's book written by Ukrainian authors Roma Romanishin and Andriy Lesiv, who work under the pseudonym ‘ Agrafka ’. The book is about the town of Rondo, where three friends live - Danko, Star and Fabian. Their peaceful lives change when war breaks out. The protagonists try to save their town and restore peace. Through this story, the book conveys topics such as friendship, courage, love of country and peace. After the presentation, the audience, mainly composed of Ukrainian displaced children in Greece, received copies of the book. Furthermore, the following events and bo

Presentation of Tales of EUkraine at the IP Education network in Crete

 On Friday 17 May, Enrico Turrin (Federation of European Publishers) attended a meeting of the Intellectual Property (IP) Education network in Heraklion (Crete, Greece) – where EU Ministries of Education, European IP offices and other stakeholders met to discuss intellectual property topics related to education. The meeting was an opportunity to present Tales of EUkraine to representatives from the EU ministries of education - notably, those from countries currently involved in the project.  During the presentation, attendees learned more about the project's goals and the partners involved in TEUk. The meeting also gave the chance to showcase the results achieved so far by the project, including the involvement of more than 21 publishers from 6 different countries, and the production of 76,400 copies with 35 titles already published or scheduled to be published. Finally, the presentation was also the occasion to invite ministries of education from the participating countries to get