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How to participate in TEUk?

How can I help?

This page is going to be updated as the project's activities unfold, and more ways to take part in TEUk will become available.

What has been done so far?

For the project's first phase, partners have began collecting Ukrainian Children's titles and created a Rights Catalogue on the Frankfurt Book Fair webpage. TEUk's catalogue is available here and features about 100 titles.

And now?

If you are a European Publisher from a country already part of TEUk:

You can find the list of national publishers associations belonging to TEUk here.
  1. Navigate the catalogue here, and find titles you might be interested in producing. If you want more information on specific titles, you can contact the Ukrainian Book Institute at, or the rights' holders directly, as their contacts are provided for each title. On both cases, do not forget to mention Tales of EUkraine in your enquiry!
  2. Get in touch with your respective publishers' association (PA) to let them know you are interested in TEUk. Mention which titles you would want to produce. Keep in mind that each PA is responsible for their own terms of participation in TEUk.

If you are a European Publisher not from a country already part of TEUk:

You can find the list of national publishers associations belonging to TEUk here.
  1. Navigate the catalogue here, and find titles you might be interested in producing. If you want more information on the titles, you can contact the Ukrainian Book Institute at, or the rights' holders directly, as their contacts are provided for each title. On both cases, do not forget to mention Tales of EUkraine in your enquiry!
  2. Get in touch with FEP to let them know you are interested in TEUk. You can contact FEP at, mentioning which titles you would want to produce.
If you are a Ukrainian Publisher not featured in the catalogue and wishing to be part of TEUk:

  1. Contact the Ukrainian Book Institute at to express your interest.

I'm not a publisher and I want to support the Ukrainian population

In the future TEUk's will also include ways of supporting Ukraine for non-publishers. Further information on this possibility will be communicated here. In the meantime, you can support Ukraine via different initiatives, such as those listed here.

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