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Tales of EUkraine books presented at the Sofia International Book Fair

On 10 December 2024 at noon, TEUk's partner "ABK", the Bulgarian Book Association, presented one of the books published as part of Tales of  EUkraine during the 51st International Book Fair in Sofia,  ‘My Forced Holiday’. The author, Ekaterina Yegorushkina and the translator of the book into Bulgarian - Lilia Zheleva participated during an hybrid event and the project was also presented to the audience.

Guests of the event were Mrs. Olesya Ilashchuk - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Bulgaria and Mrs. Anna Tertichna - Counsellor-Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Bulgaria.

The event was attended by children and teachers from the Ukrainian Educational Hub in Sofia, who listened to a reading of the book in their mother tongue by its author. After the event, each child was given a set with the currently published books in bilingual Ukrainian-Bulgarian version.

Representatives of the Help for Ukraine Association, State Agency for Child Protection, VKBOON, and non-governmental organisations working with Ukrainian children were also guests at the event.

Below is a series of pictures from the event.

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