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Presentation and distribution of TEUk books in Greece

On Sunday 26 May, the Ukrainian writer Natalia Dovgopol presented one of the first Ukrainian-Greek bilingual children's books published through Tales of EUkraine at the «Center for Support and Development of Cultural Heritage "Trembita"», in Athens: The War that Changed Rondo (Війна, що змінила Рондо), Old Lion Publishing House, 2015.

The title, published in Greece by Aiolos Books, is a modern children's book written by Ukrainian authors Roma Romanishin and Andriy Lesiv, who work under the pseudonym ‘Agrafka’.

The book is about the town of Rondo, where three friends live - Danko, Star and Fabian. Their peaceful lives change when war breaks out. The protagonists try to save their town and restore peace. Through this story, the book conveys topics such as friendship, courage, love of country and peace.

After the presentation, the audience, mainly composed of Ukrainian displaced children in Greece, received copies of the book.

Furthermore, the following events and books distribution were organised by the Ukrainian Diaspora in Greece:

  • sharing of books among children of different migrant communities at the festival "Children sing and dance for Peace" in Peristeri / Athens
  • distribution in 162 Municipal primary school 
  • Distribution at the Catechetical school at the community of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of St. Nicholas

Finally, the books are present in the free access at the library of Infopoint of the United Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian library at "The Land of Storks" Ukrainian organization, Opora Ukrainian Aid Center, the library at the charity organization Kivotos tou Kosmou and "Trembita" Ukrainian Sunday School, children library at Melissa network for Migrant Women, Lviv Cultural School, Esperia travel office (bus company that works with Ukrainian community), Forum of Migrants, Ukrainian library at Goethe-institut Athen, Terre des hommes Hellas representatives and other organizations. 

The Greek-Ukrainian bilingual books were presented at the seminar, organized by the Greek Ministry of Education and shared with Διαβάζοντας μεγαλώνω (books spread to children corners at the medical centre of Ilion municipality and Salamina medical centre).

Below are some pictures of the events. 

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