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A message to our German-speaking friends: you can now donate Tales of EUkraine books in your language!

Our German partners at the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (BOEV) have made a first selection of TEUk books available for distribution!

If you work in an organisation that supports Ukrainian refugees, or that is dedicated to make literature accessible to children, you can contact BOEV using this page: Tales of EUkraine - Börsenverein ( to receive our books!

Using the form on the page, you can order up to four sets of 24 books (4 copies for each of the 6 available titles in German so far) to be delivered to your organisation. The price for delivery, independently of the number of copies selected, is 14 Euro. This service is organised in partnership with the delivery company "Die Werkstatt."

Want to join? Then do not wait! and spread the word with any organisation that might be interested in making our books available to children!

For further information, and if you have any question you can also contact BOEV directly at: 

Also, if you are a subscriber, you can read an interview to two German publishers involved in Tales of EUkraine on Börsenblatt, BOEV's newspaper. You can find the article (in German) here: "Unsere Bücher sollen Mut spenden" (

The books present in this first selection have been published by German Publisher Slavicum and Friedrich Mauke Verlag. Their Ukrainian publishers are: Artbook Publishing HouseTHE BLACK SHEEP Publishing House For Children's Literature and Art BooksPublishing Mushlya LLCPublishing House RM,  Vivat Publishing LTD, and Ranok Publishing House. You can read more about these books here.

Tales of EUkraine is a Creative Europe project (101100131 - CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-2) 

The project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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